Release your Potential

Müller is one of the top dairy providers in Europe, yet this is just a fraction of who we are. Here at Müller we really value the ideas of the next generation in improving our business, and this industrial placement scheme is key to that.
Müller Milk & Ingredients aims to be the partner of choice for its customers and produces branded and private label fresh milk, cream, butter, and ingredients products. It boasts a network of dairies and depots servicing customers throughout the country.
Müller Yogurt & Desserts is the UK’s leading yogurt manufacturer which aims to create millions more Müller moments for its consumers. It is responsible for major brands like Müller Corner, Müllerlight, Müller Bliss, Müller Rice and FRijj and produces chilled desserts under licence from Mondelez International. It also supplies the UK private label yogurt market from a dedicated, state of the art yogurt facility.
Müller Services is a group wide set of functions, that provide General and Administrative services to the operational business units. The functions include Group Projects, Group Shared Services, IT, Communications, Legal and Tax etc. Working in one of these functions adds variety to your working week, as you engage with multiple business disciplines.