At Hiscox, we have had a strong set of values for decades and they are incredibly important to us; we talk about them often and they guide our decision-making.
We want our values to differentiate us, which is why they play an important part in our strategy and how we operate, in being a business our customers can relate to, and in providing all employees with a work environment in which they can flourish. They represent “how” we do things and define our culture. We periodically review our purpose, values, culture and vision to ensure they are still true to the business and fit for the future.
Our Values
Our business is founded on risk taking – we don’t want our people to play it safe. So have courage, feel empowered to take calculated risks, be bold and challenge the status quo. We are all capable of small acts of bravery everyday, but we might not recognise this until we reflect on our actions.
When faced with uncertainty we want employees to draw on our collective knowledge and if it’s not clear, trust their gut (instinct) and act on it.
We invest in people who have the courage to take bets on themselves.
Ownership means making it your business – so be passionate, curious, restless and always look for a better way.
We are a growing company and you need to grow with us; we’ll all get there by learning and improving just a little bit every day.
The onus is on each of us to take responsibility, to be ambitious, accountable, pragmatic, tenacious and proudly high-achieving. By adopting a commercial mindset, we will manage costs and control tedious bureaucracy.
At Hiscox we don’t like to let people down. We are here to make a profit while delivering our promise to pay, so always go the extra mile
to keep promises. With customers, colleagues, partners and shareholders always strive to be as good as your word and when it comes to paying claims don’t look for reasons not to pay. When we can’t pay, be clear about why.
Sometimes doing the right thing takes courage but be transparent how decisions are made and stand by them.
Remember things don’t always go to plan – we don’t always get it right – but we are accountable and honest with customers and each other when this happens.
Hiscox was built by a determined team who believed in a ‘restless spirit’ and were never satisfied with what they had done. We are still ambitious as we see a lot of opportunity and growth ahead of us.
Together, we make a remarkable team. We need to collaborate and work towards our shared goals, overcome challenges and celebrate our victories. We are in this for the long term so we need to think beyond our own team and care about our impact on others. If we do this together, we will build something even better.
At Hiscox people matter.
Living this value means we spend time thinking about difficult messages and make our points clearly.
Hiscox people care about the job, each other, their teams, our customers and the brand. This depends on us understanding people as a whole and not as a claim, a job description or activity. We value diversity and we are thoughtful, clear and treat each other with respect. It’s not about grand gestures – it is about the TNTs (tiny noticeable things) – appreciating each other’s efforts and engaging in a respectful and honest way.
Integrity is about being ‘as good as our word’ and ‘human’ is about delivering that in the right way.